The 2019 SUMMER CAMP, organized by the Al Andalus Foundation for Education, took place between 8th and 14th of July.
This year’s camp location has been the Alfaguara Camp, in the municipality of Alfacar, which belongs to the Sierra de Huétor Natural Park. It is an ideal place to carry out this type of events, in the middle of nature, surrounded by a Mediterranean forest and with lots of space to carry out a great variety of outdoor activities.
Our 2019 Summer Camp lasted seven days and was for both boys and girls between the ages of eight and thirteen. It was attended by 24 boys and 24 girls. The girls have had their own team of monitors and their own programme of activities. The boys have also had their own team of monitors and their own programme, which in some parts differed from that of the girls. However, we have lived together during these days and have carried out certain activities as one group.
As usual in these camps there has been loads of fun, physical activities and outdoor play: orienteering race, gymkhana, swimming pool, climbing, archery, hiking, night games, etc.. Enjoyment and laughter have been a constant during the seven days.
But also, and here is the essential element of our camps, everything takes place under a subtle, unobtrusive framework, which arises naturally and joyfully, in which our Din is put into practice in the best possible way. This follows our intention that these children strengthen their identity as Muslims, that love for Allah and His Messenger may increase in their hearts, thus helping them to perfect the natural good character and qualities of young people. All of this can only occur through the help and permission of Allah.
One of the most significant moments of this camp, which has marked the rhythm of it, has been the Salat performed as a group. At each hour of prayer, with the call of the Adhan, children and monitors, left what they were doing, to perform Wudu and perform the Salat. This act of worship in a group has undoubtedly been one of the most beautiful experiences of these days. Seeing the satisfaction and interest with which some of the young people came to pray has been deeply gratifying.
Another of the precious moments of these seven days were the assemblies after the Maghrib prayer. In these gatherings we talked about different aspects of our Din that were of interest to the children. The deep reflection we shared for example about the nature of the Du’a, being one of Allah’s gifts to the Muslim, left us all satisfied and grateful. The questions and doubts about the Salat showed the importance and interest that these young people are giving to one of the main acts of worship of the Muslim.
Among the activities and excursions of this summer camp was a trip to the “Aventura Amazonia” Adventure Park (Viznar) and the visit to Granada Mosque in order to attend the Jumuah Prayer. Prior to this visit to the mosque, we had an interesting discussion about the role of mosques in the lives of Muslims,
which was led by Shaikh Ahmed Bermejo, the former Imam Khatib of Granada Mosque.
We thank Allah for the gift of Islam and ask Him to enable us to pass it on to our children and to the future generations! Amin.
And we also deeply thank this year’s monitors for their great effort and dedication during this Summer Camp!